14 vs 15 Trailer Tires – Which One Would Be Best?

There are various types of trailer tires. Some of these distinctive features are because of the different sizes of these products. Choosing between the two is not a walk in the park. It can prove to be a daunting task.

The article will talk about 14 vs 15 inches, the difference between the two, and the merits plus demerits of both. The article will mention the load capacities of the two trailers and if the tires can support them comfortably.

There will be a series of questions in the FAQs section to handle all your queries. Finally, the conclusion will summarize everything at the end of the article. Go through the document for more information.

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Below table of 14 vs 15 Trailer Tires for perfect Info.

14 vs 15 Trailer Tires

The comparison table of 14 vs 15 Trailer Tires

Factor14 Inch15 Inch
Tire size14 Inches15 Inches
Maximum load capacity2,150lbs per tire1,925lbs per tire
Maximum speed65 miles per hour65 miles per hour
Rim size6.5 inches7.5 inches
Tire ratingGroup DGroup E

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The difference between 14″ vs 15″ trailer Tires

There is not much difference between the 14 and 15-trailer tires. The common one is the size of these products. Others are the bolt pattern and the room size to accommodate the tire. They include:

The bolt patterns

The bolt pattern might be similar for the two types of tires, but the room could differ significantly. A 15 tires trailer is larger than the 14 one, hence might become troublesome when you try to interchange.

The haulage capacity

The hauling capacity also differs for the two products. Trailers with 15-inch tires will carry more weight compared to 14-inch ones.


Large tires are more stable than small ones. They even accommodate more weight and can withstand long-distance trips.

Ride quality

The 15-inch tires have a wide surface offering a smooth and soft ride quality. On the contrary, the 14-inch ones still give the same service, but not as much as the other.

The trailer size

If you have a large trailer, the tires must match the size, such as the 15-inch ones. Alternatively, if it is a small one, the tires should be proportionate. However, you can interchange them, but the experience will be different.

The load capacity of 14 vs 15 Trailer Tires

The load capacity between the two types of tires differs significantly. Since the 15-inch one is wide, and for large trailers, it holds more weight than the 14-inch tires.

In general, a 15-inch tire carries a maximum load of 1,820lbs. On the other hand, a 14-inch tire holds the weight of 1,725lbs spread over the 14×25 rims.

The two trailers can handle the same weight, but one will overstretch because of overloading. If the machine has the maximum number of tires and is in perfect working condition, the load capacity can be almost equal.

Make sure you replace worn-out tires as soon as you notice the defect. It is not advisable to place a heavy load on a trailer with such tires, as it risks bursting and causing accidents.

A word of caution, avoid overloading the trailer if you want to keep it in good shape for a long time. If you do so, it exhausts the tires, axles, and other parts. Public infrastructure, such as roads, will also suffer the brunt of heavy haulage.

Most road authorities in various countries indicate the tonnage acceptable for transport on these infrastructures. Observe these limits always to avoid running into trouble with these authorities.

How to choose between 14 vs 15 trailer tires

In choosing between 14 vs 15 trailer tires, there are several things to consider. Nonetheless, it is not a difficult task to perform. Here are some of the things to look out for when deciding the one to invest in:

The size of your luggage

Depending on the size of your haulage, it becomes easier to decide which of the two to settle for. The tow trailers have an almost similar capacity. You must be cautious about the one you purchase because it will determine the subsequent amount of luggage to carry.

The nature of roads

First of all, bad roads tend to destroy the tires. They last longer than the ones with asphalt. If you intend to use it on murram driveways and others of the same class, it is ideal to select a light one.

However, any tire on the road, whether rough or tarmac, undergoes wear and tear. Eventually, it wears out and will need a replacement.

The nature of driveways

Sometimes, the driveways in your locality can be small and hence not accommodative to all types of vehicles, especially trailers. In addition, the local authority in your area may decide to restrict the machinery on a particular driveway. You must be conversant with such rules and regulations before purchasing the trailer of your choice.

Interchangeability of tires

Sometimes, you might need to install the tires of a different trailer on the one you have. If the axles are similar, it should be possible to replace them with either a small or a big one.

The shock absorption

Trailers are somehow delicate because of the amount of load they carry. Their tires must withstand the shock to protect the vehicle against damage. The grooves should form part of the tire design to enhance its ability to absorb shock. They always come from bumpy or damaged roads.

With better shock absorption, the trailer will experience less damage to its body, enhancing life expectancy. The tires do not only prevent themselves from damage but also the trailer and the luggage.

When choosing between 14 vs 15 trailer tires, always ensure that whichever you settle for should have maximum shock absorption.


Sometimes, you might have 14 and 15 trailers. These machines are costly, and it might be necessary to interchange parts between them. Every trailer comes with its user manual, and you will find all the information regarding it in the document.

The data from the same in comparison with other manuals should guide on the same. A 14 vs 15 trailer tires are almost similar in size. They are sometimes also used interchangeably.

However, the axles and other components must bear the same features, failure to which it cannot work. Also, ensure the rims are similar in size for both tires because they will not work together if they are different.

The range of the load

Every trailer tire has the maximum amount of load it can support. Such limits should also guide you in choosing your activities wisely.

Most of the load range is in letters, generally from B to F. In this regard, those classified under B can handle the least or minimum weight. The progression scale continues until the last F. That means it can carry the maximum or heaviest weight.

The type you settle for depends on the nature of the activities you intend to do. However, since it is always impossible to know when you will carry a heavy load, I recommend going for the one that can support the maximum.

The speed

Different trailer tires can be suitable for varying amounts of speeds. Thin ones are likely unstable, especially on bumpy or bad roads, hence not recommended for high speed.

On the other hand, a wide tire takes up more space on the ground, hence very stable. They can also offer maximum speed on excellent roads, and are faster than other types of roads.

A 14 vs 15 trailers will probably require a different set of tires. So, there is a need for the manufacturers to put this into consideration when developing them. However, since the two can work interchangeably at some point, always choose the one that can serve you best.

The tread

Tread is one of the most influential things in tires, even if several people do not pay attention. These things ensure the tire has a perfect grip on the road, improving stability.

Treads differ in size depending on the type of tire. The ones with large treads will acquire more and maintain an improved grip on the road.

The rubber grooves should always be in the design of the tires. It helps add traction and prevents the tire from sliding on the road, even when wet.

Trailer tires with bigger space between the treads have an improved grip. You only have to contend with loud noises when at high speeds.

The cost

Cost can be another factor when selecting the type of trailer tires to buy.  Larger ones come at a high price as compared to 14-inch ones.

However, purchasing them in large quantities can result in huge discounts, hence getting cheap. Enjoy economies of scale when you purchase them from one supplier and in large quantities.

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Pros and cons of a large tire


  • The increase in carrying capacity. They accommodate more loads, moving a lot of commodities in one trip.
  • Improved ride quality because of the stability of the vehicle. Large tires are less affected by road bumps and potholes.
  • Enhanced speeds because of the stability of the vehicle. Since the weight is equal between the tires, there will be more stability. In return, the trailer can move a lot of luggage at high speeds, saving time and resources.
  • Easy to upgrade and gain more weight capacity.
  • It can withstand heavy loads for a sufficient amount of time.


  • It is more costly to purchase and maintain large trailer tires because of the service it gives.
  • Large trailer tires encourage the movement of massive payloads, hence damaging the vehicle in the short run.

Pros and cons of a small tire


  • Attain a lower ground clearance. If you are replacing from 15 inches to 14, it will at least reduce by half an inch.
  • The height of the trailer also comes down by about one inch. It can now pass under short bridges and footbridges with a lot of ease.
  • Cost reduction in purchasing new large tires. Big ones are costly as compared to small 14-inch trailer tires.
  • It can fit large and small rims as long as they have the same axle.


  • The carrying capacity reduces with the reduction of the tire size.
  • Reduced stability.

Frequently asked questions

Q: Why does the trailer’s tire blow out?

Several factors can cause the trailer tires to burst. The most common one is heat buildup. When driving, the heat can sometimes be intense especially when on tarmac, causing the tire to blow up.

It even becomes more rampant when it has less than normal pressure. Another thing is when the tire wears out beyond acceptable levels. It becomes so old that it can barely support any weight.

Whenever you place a lot of luggage on such tires, they may blow out when it becomes hot. They always lead to fatalities.

Finally, driving on bent wheels will cause the trailer tires to blow out. Take your car for checkups at frequent intervals to ensure that the rims are straight.

Q: Does the trailer performance depend on proper balancing?

Unbalanced trailer tires can make the rims bend and the vehicle unstable. They also make it blow out or burst. It is not conditional that proper balancing is a precondition for optimal performance.

You can have the trailer tires balanced if you so wish, but that does not prevent the vehicle from working. When moving fast on the highway, and the tires are not balanced, you will feel some vibrations.

They are not the best to experience, especially when transporting heavy luggage. It also poses a challenge if the load is delicate.
To avoid all these, have them balanced at regular intervals using a pin and a pate adapter.

Q: How long does the trailer tire last?

It depends on the composition of the products used to build the tire. However, they all have the same standards, and there should be a minimum difference.

Trailer tires can last up to six years, but it depends on how you use your vehicle. If it is on the move frequently, it will be over in the first three years of service. However, if it works only on specific days, it will take a long to exhaust.

Sometimes, you may store the tires in a cold place. It does not prevent them from wearing out. They become exposed to dry rot and flat spotting. They will eventually need a replacement.

Q: How can you prevent trailer tires from being damaged?

When you store tires for long without usage, they tend to get damaged naturally by dry rotting. If they are not in the best use, it may get damaged in the short run.

Dry rot in the tires occurs due to excessive heat and exposure to the sun. It also occurs because of low inflation. Avoiding these factors can help you keep your wheels for a long time.

Use the wheel cover to protect your tires and rims against dirt, water, and UV rays. Do not leave the trailer on the floor. Use a jack to lift it, or park it on top of the plywood. Direct contact with the ground will cause the tires to deflate, getting damaged.

Q: Are trailer tires compatible with any other vehicle?

No. Trailer tires are large. They may not fit any other type of vehicle. However, you might find one model that can accommodate it, though it is rare. The axles also are large, and the spacing of bolts does not match that of any other vehicle.

Generally, it is not a wise idea to swap trailer tires with those of other vehicles. The sizes do not match, and the composition of the tire during construction varies greatly. Different models are for a specific purpose. For example, the trailer is for moving a heavy load, while the truck is for light luggage.

Q: How much weight can a trailer tire accommodate?

A 14 vs 15 trailer tire holds different amounts of weight. Their classification starts from B to F, where the former carries the heaviest load while the latter takes the minimum weight.

At B, the weight can be up to 1,100lbs, while at F, it can go as high as 1,430lbs. Other drivers carry more than the recommended weight, putting the vehicle and their lives in danger. Always stay within limits to avoid problems. Overloading can make your trailer lose value within a short time.


A 14 vs 15 trailer tire can be a challenging task to solve. However, if you understand the nature of the activities to perform, it should be easy to decide. Sometimes, the two tires can be interchanged, provided the axles on the trailers are similar. Always consult the user manual to find out the specific instructions. Also, find out the procedure for changing and if it is acceptable.

I am an engineer and the chief editor of tireslover.com, I am a passionate blogger as well. I am the person who can ensure a perfect, informative, honest, and helpful, guide with 10 years of work experience with different varieties of tires.

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